Thursday, August 19, 2010

What is your German name?

mine is Hans Gerder

What is your German name?
Breann Elizabeth (Breann is pronounced like Brianna but with out the a sound at the end!) I was happily born in Germany but now live in dinky little Virginia. I hate this state! But OF COURSE my parents love it here so I have been stuck here for 6 years now. Yay for me right? But I adjust to change quickly and have a positive attitude about most things. So I can adjust to life here!
Reply:Staggs is my moms name. She was born on a ship coming to America.
Reply:I don't have 1.
Reply:I dont have

I don't have a German one... should everyone have one?
Reply:Wurst Oler
Reply:hans gruber schmitsen
Reply:I don't know. Whatever it is for Michael. My last name is already German and I don't feel like putting it on the internet.
Reply:Farfen Nyugen

Reply:Ingrid Schneider
Reply:Mine is just Marco, it's actually pretty common in Germany
Reply:andrea lautenbach

for everyone that answered "adolf hitler"-have bad taste
Reply:My grandma's maiden name was Jamie Wartenbach
Reply:Everyone called me Maggi when I lived there. They thought Megan was too weird.
Reply:I want one too...:(
Reply:Otto Wallace
Reply:Johan Diddley
Reply:herr drunken wilhelm
Reply:My english name is jennifer lynn davis, but in German it might look like "Jennifugen Lynstein Dasvisnouzer"
Reply:Jennifer Tuggle
Reply:Mine is Kris in German.

It's Kris in Spanish.

It's Kris in Swahili.

Think of it as Short for Kristoph.
Reply:gunther hans
Reply:Elizabeth Kialo

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