Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Why does my mexican friend have a german last name?

Like her mom speaks spanish and she does too, she knows english too lol but yeah and her dad speaks spanish too. Her last name is Kump, how come its german if she is mexican?

Why does my mexican friend have a german last name?
the germans went over to mexico decades ago, and had little ones so to speak.

Reply:Well, a lot of people have this notion that every Mexican or Latin American person has to have a Spanish last name. You have to know, that the Spanish weren't the only ones to come to Mexico and Latin America. Spanish, Italians, French, Germans, Irish, Lebanese, Chinese, Japanese, etc. also immigrated to Mexico and Latin America. My family is Mexican and my last name is actually Arabic...I think it came from the Spanish Moors. My aunt has a French last name because her great grandfather was French. I don't speak Arabic and she doesn't speak French. There was a Mexican President a few years back who had an Irish last name (Fox). The current Miss Mexico International has a German last name (Krause). I could go on and on. If you go to certain towns in Mexico you'll see a lot of people with German, Irish, Italian, etc. last names. Oh, another example, Peru's president a few years back had a Japanese last name.

Reply:May be her father is German descendant or her mother met an American who is a German descendant. After WW II many Germans looked for a new life in different Spanish countries as Argentina, Spain, Puerto Rico, Mexico, etc. Probably one of those descendants married your friend's mother, in our countries women don't loose their last names as in the English way. Here in Puerto Rico are families with last names as Oppenheimer, Krans, Papadolpulus, etc and their are completely Puerto Ricans, but they have ascendants from Germany, Greece, Turkey, etc.
Reply:Throughout the years, many Germans left Germany and moved to other countries in the Americas, including Mexico mostly for political reasons.

Reply:migration? maybe germans were SLAVES in Mexico, some slaves are able to keep the names instead if changing the name.
Reply:Why are you racist

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