Metzker is found only 206 times in Germany compared to 8,155 Metzger. Mainly, Metzker can be seen as a variation of Metzger. In Saxony-Anhalt, Metzker can be found almost as often as Metzger (35 vs. 36 occurrences). It is the highest percentage (4 per 100,000 entries) of that name. The reason is not clear. There is no village similar to the surname Metzker in Saxony-Anhalt. Metzger is the most frequent butcher surname in Germany. In average, 23 per 100,000 Germans bear that name. The term derives from regional word for "slaughter" which is still used in High German - but only for slaughter of men.
What the German name Metzker means? A person from Metz (today a French city)?
I am in Germany with my German boyfriend -. it means butcher.
It can also mean slaughter - schlachter
Reply:Could Be
or It Can Mean Butcher
Reply:Well Metzer in German means "butcher" or "slaughter"
Reply:The name derives from the celtic tribe, Mettis, which predates the Roman city Mediomatrici.
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